说明 承接上文搭建斯坦福大学GibsonEnv环境失败,在本文中重新基于habitat-sim开始搭建环境。
habitat-sim环境搭建 1 2 3 conda create -n habitat python=3.9 cmake=3.14.0 conda activate habitat conda install habitat-sim withbullet -c conda-forge -c aihabitat
habitat-lab环境搭建 1 2 3 4 git clone --branch stable https://github.com/facebookresearch/habitat-lab.git cd habitat-labpip install -e habitat-lab pip install -e habitat-baselines
在完成环境安装后,可以使用python examples/example.py
1 ValueError: Requested RearrangeDataset config paths 'data/datasets/replica_cad/rearrange/v2/train/rearrange_easy.json.gz' or 'data/replica_cad/' are not downloaded locally. Aborting.
这需要我们下载数据集,下载的是replicaCAD数据集,但是下载方式需要特别注意,需要参考这个地方链接 去分开下载数据集,否则数据集不全,需要执行命令:
1 python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids <replica_datasets> --data-path data/
1 2 3 4 5 "replica_cad_dataset" ,"hab_fetch" ,"ycb" ,"rearrange_pick_dataset_v0" ,"rearrange_dataset_v2" ,
1 Error: unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
1 python -m habitat_sim.utils.datasets_download --uids <replica_datasets> --data-path data/ --no-prune
安装完成后,可以使用python examples/example.py
相机渲染测试 可运行以下代码,通过WSAD
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 import habitatfrom habitat.sims.habitat_simulator.actions import HabitatSimActionsimport cv2FORWARD_KEY="w" LEFT_KEY="a" RIGHT_KEY="d" FINISH="f" def transform_rgb_bgr (image ): return image[:, :, [2 , 1 , 0 ]] def example (): env = habitat.Env( config=habitat.get_config("benchmark/nav/pointnav/pointnav_habitat_test.yaml" ) ) print ("Environment creation successful" ) observations = env.reset() print ("Destination, distance: {:3f}, theta(radians): {:.2f}" .format ( observations["pointgoal_with_gps_compass" ][0 ], observations["pointgoal_with_gps_compass" ][1 ])) cv2.imshow("RGB" , transform_rgb_bgr(observations["rgb" ])) print ("Agent stepping around inside environment." ) count_steps = 0 while not env.episode_over: keystroke = cv2.waitKey(0 ) if keystroke == ord (FORWARD_KEY): action = HabitatSimActions.move_forward print ("action: FORWARD" ) elif keystroke == ord (LEFT_KEY): action = HabitatSimActions.turn_left print ("action: LEFT" ) elif keystroke == ord (RIGHT_KEY): action = HabitatSimActions.turn_right print ("action: RIGHT" ) elif keystroke == ord (FINISH): action = HabitatSimActions.stop print ("action: FINISH" ) else : print ("INVALID KEY" ) continue observations = env.step(action) count_steps += 1 print ("Destination, distance: {:3f}, theta(radians): {:.2f}" .format ( observations["pointgoal_with_gps_compass" ][0 ], observations["pointgoal_with_gps_compass" ][1 ])) cv2.imshow("RGB" , transform_rgb_bgr(observations["rgb" ])) print ("Episode finished after {} steps." .format (count_steps)) if ( action == HabitatSimActions.stop and observations["pointgoal_with_gps_compass" ][0 ] < 0.2 ): print ("you successfully navigated to destination point" ) else : print ("your navigation was unsuccessful" ) if __name__ == "__main__" : example()